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Vocab 5 by milepops123 on 06-30-2014
Caroline you work too hard. There is no need to (contend) it's not like a race.
Don't make me slap you Tom.
What does the dog say?
3,2,1 go..... your on.... speak. You know you are starting to seem (cynical) to me because your a dog in a suit........ If your not going to speak about the (copious) food that feeds thousands of people we are going to (curtail) the show and make so short that it won;t even pass a minute...... SPEAK!
Bark, woof, Bark. That's all I got. See ya later. Peace.
Cordial carli, Mad Madi
Haven't you heard how (cordial) Carli is. She inveted me to a party and offerd many things. She is so sweet.
Oh really. Well she didn't invet me.
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