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High School by cami_kimikob on 06-30-2014
Munks (Left) and Key (Right) were "enjoying" another day in high school in the big city on a normal day.
You are very (diligent) in your work. How do you do it? I will (dismiss) this subject when you answer my question.
Well I try not to be such a (disgruntled) member of the public school education. People tend to curl their lips in (disdain) at my very (discreet) effort in school.
I can (discern) no difference with people who do not care and people who are just rude to people who do try. I do (discredit) them in class though.
Their minds kind of (dissipate) in a way because they cannot focus. Teachers say I am very (docile) in class because I follow all instruction.
I tend to be (divergent) in class because I learn a different way than other people.
Well that's good! Keep up the good work Munks!
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