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The adventures of Phil and Bubble: The Witch Revealed by walker on 06-30-2014
Moments after the helicopter crash
(I haven't "dismissed" Bubble yet so why is he gone?) Hey you have you seen a human sized dog because I need to "dispel" him of his curse and keep my family and me from being "discredited" for failing Harvard.
He probably went down this path.
Moments after the helicopter crash
Have you seen a man that has a "dour" "disposition" and tends to disagree with or insults almost everyone.
(Why is he so "docile" his heliopter just crashed yet he is willing to take instructions from a complete stranger) He probably went on the "dissipating" path take the middle one and you should find a city.
Phil and bubble meet up and walk into what appears to be a city made of ice.
Hey do you know where the witch is at we need to have a word with her.
I am the witch and I know why you came. You have traveled a long way so I shall cure you but first I have a task for you to complete...
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