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 | Hello, I'm Jimmy John and this is KBNT news at 9. Today's story is about a young monk on his journey to find peace, and a half frozen cat in a tree. The monk was climbing to an almost INACCESSIBLE monestary when he found a cat. HINDERED by the ice, the cat could no longer walk. The monk adopted that cat and named it George. |  |
 | meanwhile, the INDIGENOUS people of the Rockjaw mountains indulge in ritualistic practices, mainly human sacrifice, and the consumption of salvia divinorum which INDUCES hallucinations, and a dream-like trance. |  |
 | These people are INCORRIGIBLE because these have been their ways for more than a millenia. Thank you for watching KBNT news at 9. I'm Jimmy John, and I'll see you tomorrow. |  |