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rockjaw by Hijacked on 12-03-2014
Hello, I'm Jimmy John and this is KBNT news at 9. Today's story is about a young monk on his journey to find peace, and a half frozen cat in a tree. The monk was climbing to an almost INACCESSIBLE monestary when he found a cat. HINDERED by the ice, the cat could no longer walk. The monk adopted that cat and named it George.
meanwhile, the INDIGENOUS people of the Rockjaw mountains indulge in ritualistic practices, mainly human sacrifice, and the consumption of salvia divinorum which INDUCES hallucinations, and a dream-like trance.
These people are INCORRIGIBLE because these have been their ways for more than a millenia. Thank you for watching KBNT news at 9. I'm Jimmy John, and I'll see you tomorrow.
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