Here in the world we all know of the one and only earth. But for these two philosophers they believe in a crazy, bizarre world perspective. We have Plato on the left who believes in a two world reality and then on the right we have Kant who believes in one world but he says it is divided into two. Let us hear what they have to say about this. |
| Kant, you must understand that there are two different worlds. How else do you explain everything? There is the "world of becoming" and the "world of being." | |
| Explain what? There are not two different worlds, Plato. there is only one but it is divided in a way that makes since. A world divided into tow different worlds. The world of "nature" and the world of "action and belief." | |
| But then where do we get the idea for everything? An apple is merely an apple but the shape, the form of it must come from another image we have of it. One that is perfect in every way. The apple we are use to is nothing but a "doodle" of the perfect apple. The world of being is the perfect world where we consume these memories from. We live in the world of becoming where there are nothing but material things. Nothing is perfect. | |
| Okay so what about if we were to invent something never seen before. A fresh and new idea. That can't come from your "world of being." How do you explain that? | |
| Well, that ties in with my belief that we have these memories of the perfect object from the perfect world. They are just vague memories. You can't create something if you don't have an idea. | |
| I believe that you are stupid, Plato. | |