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Teal'c quits his day job. by Cognit on 06-02-2015
Hi, nice to meet you. I'm the new member of SG-1.
I am Teal'c, but I no longer am a member of SG-1. I have decided upon serving drinks for weary travellers.
You... Quit SG-1 to become a bartender?
That is correct. Once I made Daniel Jackson an alcoholic beverage and he enjoyed it so much I realised my calling was not fighting the Goa'uld, It was instead to make funky cocktails for weary travellers.
Oh. Well then I guess I must be your replacement...
If that is true then you should drink this tequila with added symbiote worm, and afterward suck upon this lemon. It with give you great strength in battle, warrior.
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