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A Fired Man by David_Shin on 06-23-2015
Before the meeting with the boss
You could have been a bit more (clandestine) when you were stealing the computers. You got caught I didn't.
I guess I'm just not (cognizant) of the things around me. I'm a bit slow, I think.
talking with a collaborater
Dang right you are. We were supposed to be (collaborating) by now on how to spend the money but instead we're talking about how to get you not fired.
I can always say it was an accident. Chillax! It will be fine.He will make a (compromise) of some sort because I'm his most valuable worker.
Meeting with the boss
I have nothing but (contempt) for you. You are fired.
Come on, that kind of thinking is not (coherent) at all!
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