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What Happens to the Fired Man? by David_Shin on 06-30-2015
At the Meeting
I think you know why you are here.
Actually, I don't. I (discern) it's not for a good reason? I'm sure you hold me in (disdain) right now.
Boss keeps talking
No. It's not. You had always been a (diligent). Too diligent, in fact.
What the heck is that supposed to mean? You (discredited) me after I got fired. What are you talking about?
Sentence is Revealed
Well, I just came to say good-bye. They caught you on camera. A specific worker saw you and was honest about it to us./////Well it doesn't matter. You're going to prison.
That weasel!!!! There is a (discrepancy) between his story and mine!!
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