Witty Comics
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I delete comics I made?

You can delete comics you made by visiting your profile page and clicking the little red X next to the comic title. Watch out though, once the comic is deleted, it's GONE!

What are the official rules for WittyComics.com?

  1. Comics shall have a funny punchline.
  2. Comics shall not be racist / discriminatory.
  3. Comics shall be in good taste. i.e.: suitable for a newspaper
  4. Comics shall not contain hate speech.
  5. Comics shall not contain personal information including names, phone numbers, email address, IM screen names, addresses, social security numbers, etc.

What happens if I break the rules?

Your comics will get deleted by an admin or if you are really bad, you will be banned.

How many accounts can I have?

Each person shall have one account on wittycomics.com. Duplicate accounts will be banned.
