Member Since: 01-07-2006
wanted dead or alive.....where-abouts unknown....read'n this profile will cuase your eyes to explode!, your nose to bleed,& your brain to implode!...seek medical treatment immediately!
Comics by Black_owl
- 03-28-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 03-28-2006 - WARNING: only to be read by people who like verbal abuse
- 03-28-2006 - default dudes
- 03-09-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 03-09-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 03-09-2006 - deep crack canyon
- 03-09-2006 - the default dudes
- 03-09-2006 - a day at the check point
- 03-09-2006 - as the world burns
- 03-08-2006 - default book guy gets one over on default drinking guy
- 03-08-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 03-08-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 03-08-2006 - as the world burns
- 03-07-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 03-07-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 03-07-2006 - deep crack canyon
- 03-07-2006 - a day at the check point
- 03-07-2006 - raw dawg
- 03-07-2006 - as the world burns
- 03-06-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 03-06-2006 - deep crack canyon
- 03-06-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 03-06-2006 - as the world burns
- 03-05-2006 - church for sale...cheap...
- 03-05-2006 - over the rainbow
- 03-05-2006 - hey baby
- 03-04-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 03-04-2006 - revenge of the gel-o lady
- 03-04-2006 - the gas station
- 03-04-2006 - sunday funnies
- 03-04-2006 - the violin blues
- 03-04-2006 - 2-4-1 concluded
- 03-04-2006 - 2-4-1 cont. again
- 03-04-2006 - 2-4-1 cont.
- 03-04-2006 - 2-4-1
- 03-04-2006 - deep crack canyon
- 03-04-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 03-04-2006 - a day at the check point
- 03-04-2006 - as the world burns
- 03-03-2006 - what the default comix do when wait'n for you to click the "make a comix" button
- 03-03-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 03-03-2006 - m0ck'Nb!rd
- 03-03-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 03-03-2006 - deep crack canyon
- 03-03-2006 - as the world burns
- 03-03-2006 - the pope trys stand up
- 03-03-2006 - violin girl trys standup
- 03-03-2006 - how to tell your parents met on witty comix
- 03-03-2006 - a day at the check point
- 03-02-2006 - windmills of our mind
- 03-02-2006 - a day at the check point
- 03-02-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 03-02-2006 - masstransit
- 03-02-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 03-02-2006 - deep crack canyon
- 03-02-2006 - deep crack canyon
- 03-02-2006 - free witty comix t-shirt
- 03-02-2006 - m0ck'Nb!rd
- 03-02-2006 - as the world turns
- 03-01-2006 - a day at the checkpoint
- 03-01-2006 - make'n $$$$$ on the net...tax free
- 03-01-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 03-01-2006 - bill gates big idea
- 03-01-2006 - picky eaters they be
- 03-01-2006 - m0ck'Nb!rd
- 03-01-2006 - west of here
- 03-01-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 03-01-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-28-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-28-2006 - nympho island
- 02-28-2006 - m0ck'N b!rd
- 02-28-2006 - 0011 11110011100110 11001000001
- 02-28-2006 - locked out
- 02-28-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-27-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-27-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-27-2006 - orange alert
- 02-27-2006 - the streets of D.C.
- 02-24-2006 - miss boxly joins the black_owl staff
- 02-24-2006 - von fobone quits
- 02-23-2006 - DR eyepuss has it licked...
- 02-23-2006 - sparky trys to go straight
- 02-23-2006 - when you should use the letter"V",insted of an "U"
- 02-23-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-23-2006 - DR eyepuss don't have power..just sh!t
- 02-23-2006 - sparky gets married
- 02-23-2006 - brokeback sparky
- 02-23-2006 - hey DR eyepuss
- 02-23-2006 - THE DEATH OF Unumnuts
- 02-22-2006 - a day at the checkpoint
- 02-22-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 02-22-2006 - hotel from heaven
- 02-22-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-22-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-22-2006 - unumnuts don't go away mad...just go away...haha..
- 02-22-2006 - trailerpark blues..
- 02-22-2006 - Unumnuts said it
- 02-21-2006 - the come back
- 02-21-2006 - Unumhum the untold story
- 02-21-2006 - daja moo Unumhum
- 02-21-2006 - olga the medium
- 02-21-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 02-21-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-21-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-21-2006 - Umunhum gets bent
- 02-21-2006 - african american history month
- 02-19-2006 - witty comix sunday service
- 02-19-2006 - your in trouble
- 02-19-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-18-2006 - lil' redwine in the hood 6
- 02-18-2006 - lil' redwine in the hood 5
- 02-18-2006 - lil' redwine in the hood 4
- 02-18-2006 - lil' redwine in the hood 3
- 02-18-2006 - lil' redwine in the hood 2
- 02-18-2006 - lil' redwine in the hood
- 02-18-2006 - to catch a thief
- 02-17-2006 - leave kidnapping to the professionals
- 02-17-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-17-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 02-17-2006 - olga the medium
- 02-17-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-17-2006 - a day at the checkpoint
- 02-17-2006 - jeff the weather dude..
- 02-16-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-16-2006 - where are they now....
- 02-16-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-15-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 02-15-2006 - olga the medium
- 02-15-2006 - mirror talk-featuring sargent mcfuzz
- 02-14-2006 - love on the side
- 02-14-2006 - winter terror
- 02-14-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-14-2006 - olga the medium
- 02-14-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-14-2006 - D C funnies
- 02-14-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 02-12-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-12-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-12-2006 - as the world burns
- 02-12-2006 - alakaplease
- 02-11-2006 - deskchair upgrades
- 02-11-2006 - olga the medium
- 02-11-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 02-11-2006 - help desk 101
- 02-11-2006 - olga the medium
- 02-11-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-11-2006 - black_owl's frankinstien (final chapter)
- 02-11-2006 - black_owls frankinstien
- 02-11-2006 - black_owl's frankinstien
- 02-11-2006 - black_owl's frankinstien
- 02-11-2006 - black_owl's frankinstien
- 02-11-2006 - black_owl's frankinstien
- 02-11-2006 - black_owls frankinstien
- 02-11-2006 - black_owl's frankinstien
- 02-11-2006 - black_owl's frankistien
- 02-11-2006 - black_owl's frankinstien
- 02-11-2006 - colonel kluk 2
- 02-11-2006 - colonel kluk
- 02-11-2006 - father fodder
- 02-10-2006 - crow on the halfshell
- 02-10-2006 - he2she
- 02-10-2006 - witty comix presidental exclusive..
- 02-10-2006 - cc&mj
- 02-10-2006 - sid's revenge!
- 02-10-2006 - a day at the check-point
- 02-10-2006 - olympic dreams
- 02-10-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-10-2006 - death takes a holiday..
- 02-10-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 02-10-2006 - next in line
- 02-10-2006 - needless commercialism
- 02-10-2006 - skull Island
- 02-09-2006 - in the navy..
- 02-09-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-09-2006 - sargent mcfuzz
- 02-09-2006 - vatican support
- 02-09-2006 - dress to kill
- 02-09-2006 - a day at the checkpoint
- 02-09-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 02-08-2006 - crime scene
- 02-08-2006 - brokeback dude ranch
- 02-08-2006 - lesi be friends
- 02-08-2006 - spice it up!
- 02-08-2006 - screenburt the evil computer
- 02-08-2006 - greek tragedy
- 02-07-2006 - lost thingy
- 02-07-2006 - screenburt the evil computer..
- 02-07-2006 - hassle me this
- 02-07-2006 - well doc..whats wrong with me??
- 02-07-2006 - at the party
- 02-06-2006 - wish you were'nt here
- 02-06-2006 - pickled
- 02-06-2006 - knicker peek
- 02-06-2006 - pay up
- 02-06-2006 - check list
- 02-06-2006 - instant lobster
- 02-06-2006 - winter scene
- 02-04-2006 - desert laughs
- 02-04-2006 - friends dont let friends get married...
- 02-04-2006 - the witty zone
- 02-04-2006 - default comix
- 02-04-2006 - taste test 4
- 02-04-2006 - taste test 3
- 02-04-2006 - taste test 2
- 02-04-2006 - taste test
- 02-03-2006 - do'nt mess with the IRS!
- 02-03-2006 - lenscrafterz
- 02-03-2006 - the riddler
- 02-03-2006 - the open road..
- 02-03-2006 - bible 202
- 02-03-2006 - bible 101
- 02-03-2006 - boat 4 sale
- 02-03-2006 - across town
- 02-03-2006 - castaways
- 02-03-2006 - Atlantis
- 02-03-2006 - draw
- 02-03-2006 - on the hill
- 02-03-2006 - location,location,location
- 02-03-2006 - office love
- 02-03-2006 - techno call
- 02-03-2006 - heavenly delites
- 02-03-2006 - evil empire!
- 02-02-2006 - match point
- 02-02-2006 - jim's big day...
- 02-02-2006 - what will think of next?
- 02-02-2006 - food 4 thought
- 02-02-2006 - mirror talk 5
- 02-02-2006 - T4-2
- 02-02-2006 - the good shepard
- 02-02-2006 - and the award goes to....
- 02-02-2006 - and the runner up is....
- 02-01-2006 - audit
- 01-31-2006 - bible poker
- 01-31-2006 - gel pack
- 01-31-2006 - click the ad
- 01-31-2006 - I C
- 01-31-2006 - knock knock2
- 01-21-2006 - jello lady VS. the maid
- 01-21-2006 - and yet they come
- 01-21-2006 - mirror talk 4
- 01-21-2006 - surf's up!
- 01-21-2006 - bomb blond part 2
- 01-21-2006 - bomb blond part 1
- 01-21-2006 - fun in the sun
- 01-21-2006 - pump it up
- 01-16-2006 - hang in there
- 01-16-2006 - order up
- 01-16-2006 - mirror talk 3
- 01-16-2006 - holy visit
- 01-16-2006 - duce truce
- 01-16-2006 - 2 easy
- 01-16-2006 - what the hell part 5
- 01-16-2006 - what the hell part 4
- 01-16-2006 - what the hell part 3
- 01-16-2006 - what the hell part 2
- 01-16-2006 - what the hell part 1
- 01-16-2006 - read at yer own risk!
- 01-16-2006 - twisted ryhms
- 01-16-2006 - strange visitors from another world
- 01-16-2006 - go 4 it
- 01-16-2006 - cellphone devil
- 01-16-2006 - brokeback moutain part 3
- 01-16-2006 - brokeback mountain part 2
- 01-16-2006 - brokeback moutain part 1
- 01-16-2006 - dj monk
- 01-16-2006 - castles in the sky
- 01-16-2006 - scorn by porn
- 01-14-2006 - the 700 cult
- 01-14-2006 - cult classic
- 01-14-2006 - sam & ella's cafe'
- 01-14-2006 - rip van wrinkle
- 01-14-2006 - alito with a side of fries
- 01-14-2006 - don't ask part 2
- 01-14-2006 - don't ask part 1
- 01-14-2006 - mirror talk 2
- 01-14-2006 - HEY MONSEWER!
- 01-13-2006 - tax-a-dermy
- 01-13-2006 - bottums up
- 01-13-2006 - earth 2 marz
- 01-13-2006 - solo fobone
- 01-13-2006 - the H R shuffle
- 01-13-2006 - can't we just get along
- 01-13-2006 - chemistry 101
- 01-13-2006 - terrorist pickup line
- 01-12-2006 - boomarang effect
- 01-12-2006 - hard copy
- 01-12-2006 - witty comix historical milestone!
- 01-12-2006 - bible facts
- 01-12-2006 - pope vs. the devil
- 01-12-2006 - yeah monsieurgaucher religious humor...
- 01-12-2006 - prank calls 2
- 01-12-2006 - prank callz
- 01-11-2006 - joe camel
- 01-11-2006 - make up your mind
- 01-11-2006 - oxford letdown
- 01-11-2006 - indagadda-davita
- 01-11-2006 - sit & wait
- 01-11-2006 - holysmokes zomgkitten
- 01-10-2006 - witty news
- 01-10-2006 - travel miles part 1
- 01-10-2006 - hey did u see zomgkittens comix??
- 01-10-2006 - true love
- 01-10-2006 - hey vivladiamuro
- 01-10-2006 - witty guest stars!
- 01-09-2006 - revalations
- 01-09-2006 - witty news extra!
- 01-09-2006 - garden party
- 01-09-2006 - guess
- 01-09-2006 - majic pencil
- 01-08-2006 - witty republican interview
- 01-08-2006 - hey tcca8998
- 01-08-2006 - prozzack nieghbors
- 01-08-2006 - oval office part 3
- 01-08-2006 - up a notch
- 01-08-2006 - the exorcist
- 01-08-2006 - classic truths
- 01-08-2006 - black_owl rebuttle
- 01-08-2006 - red blues
- 01-08-2006 - the evil satan!
- 01-08-2006 - tax man
- 01-08-2006 - no limbo
- 01-08-2006 - mirror talk
- 01-08-2006 - repent!
- 01-08-2006 - DC shuffle
- 01-08-2006 - stoners
- 01-08-2006 - news from hell
- 01-08-2006 - witty comix sportz exclusive
- 01-08-2006 - your tax dollars at work
- 01-08-2006 - exclusive!
- 01-08-2006 - oval office part 2
- 01-08-2006 - hard time
- 01-08-2006 - the vatican
- 01-08-2006 - u dont say
- 01-07-2006 - oval office part 1
- 01-07-2006 - when T V news goes bad
- 01-07-2006 - the club
- 01-07-2006 - easter island interview
- 01-07-2006 - end of the world
- 01-07-2006 - rock'n the rock
- 01-07-2006 - ask a silly question