Member Since: 01-08-2007
I'm an IT guy with a penchant for comics and oddball humor. I also write fiction stories using original characters. Some of my work can be found at http://ncweber.deviantart.com
Comics by NCWeber
- 05-22-2014 - Adult Ed - Respect My Authority
- 05-22-2014 - Adult Ed - Med Hawk Down
- 05-22-2014 - Adult Ed - Because Reasons
- 05-22-2014 - Adult Ed - The World's Oldest Profession: Penny Pinching to
- 05-22-2014 - Adult Ed - Take Me to Your Healer!
- 05-20-2014 - Adult Ed - Remember, They're Watching. They're Always Watching.
- 05-12-2014 - Adult Ed - A Man of Few Words
- 05-12-2014 - Adult Ed - Brevity is the Soul of Wit
- 05-12-2014 - Adult Ed - Nothing Ain't Worth Nothing, But It's Free
- 05-12-2014 - Adult Ed - Keep Those Dogies Movin'
- 05-12-2014 - Adult Ed - That Would Really Be a Breakthrough
- 05-12-2014 - Adult Ed - Unclear on the Concept
- 12-23-2007 - Adult Ed - Will Strong. Body Confused.
- 12-23-2007 - Adult Ed - No Man Is An Island. Islands Attract Tourists.
- 12-04-2007 - Adult Ed - Some Things Never Change
- 12-04-2007 - Adult Ed - You've Got To Spin It To Win It
- 12-04-2007 - Adult Ed - Can We Screw Around with Your Computer? Click Yes or No
- 12-04-2007 - Adult Ed - If You Want the Job Done Right, Let a Monopoly Do It
- 12-04-2007 - Adult Ed - Two Wrongs Don't Make a Religion
- 02-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Ellison is My American Idol
- 02-08-2007 - Adult Ed - You're not Crazy, You're Just a Dreamer
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - Onward Internet Soldier
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - Hope Springs Eternal. More's the Pity
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - You're Shaking My Confidence Daily
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - Don't Mess With the Saint
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - They've Got Broadband in Heaven
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - Oh, You're One of Those Catholics
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - When You Swear in a Chatroom, an Angel Loses its Halo
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - The Proof is in the Perusal
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - Sing Us a Song, You're the Piano Man
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - Dating: It's Like Going to Lunch, Only Later
- 01-25-2007 - Adult Ed - Cyber Love in the Afternoon
- 01-17-2007 - Adult Ed - Like Putty in Her Cybertronic Paws
- 01-17-2007 - Adult Ed - To Love Her Is To Fear Her
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - Ignorance Is Not an Excuse
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - War of the Machines
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - Dateless in Monument City
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - Geek Mystique
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - I Pity the Fool!
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - Off the Hook
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - Insert Dancing Shoe A Into Mouth B
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - No Guts, No Glory
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - I Can See Clearly Now
- 01-16-2007 - Adult Ed - The Masochism Tango
- 01-11-2007 - Adult Ed - Shall We Dance...1-2-3 And!
- 01-11-2007 - Adult Ed - The Turtledove Two Step
- 01-11-2007 - Adult Ed - I Wish I Had Your Problems
- 01-11-2007 - Adult Ed - You're Going to Have Fun Even If It Kills You!
- 01-11-2007 - Adult Ed - And the Reason Is You
- 01-11-2007 - Adult Ed - Don't Push Me 'Cause I'm Close to the Edge
- 01-11-2007 - Adult Ed - Geek: The Language of Love
- 01-11-2007 - Adult Ed - A Spoonful of Money Helps the Medicine Go Down
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - A Match Made in Antipathy
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - You Can't Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Quiz me, baby!
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Always On Call
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Tech. It's What's For Dinner.
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - The Doctor Is In
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Yes, Virginia. There Is a God.
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Always and Forever
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Armageddon
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - A Snowball's Chance
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - A Woman's Intuition
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Never Rub Another Man's Rhubarb
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - The Spirit is Willing, but...
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Damned If You Don't, Damned If You Do
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Them That's Not Shall Lose
- 01-10-2007 - Adult Ed - Say It Ain't So
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - Just the Facts, Ma'am
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - Just So You Know
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - Ah, the Classics
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - Knockin' on Heaven's Door
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - The Revelation Will Be Televised!
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - Truth is Stranger Than Friction
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - Speed Demoness
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - Truce is Stranger Than Fiction
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - Practice Safe Surf
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - I Pull Up to a Full Dressed 'Lectra Glide
- 01-09-2007 - Adult Ed - Clubbed to Death.
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Won't You Take Me To Funky Town?
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - The Night is Still in Diapers
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Packet Switched Networking Conquers All
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Welome to the State of Confusion. Population: You
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Flirt.
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Same Time, Different Channels
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - And the Trap is Set!
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Open Minded
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Let the Games Begin
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Too Hot to Trot
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Kindred Spirits
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Happiness is a Pair of Nunchuks
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - She's Got a Ticket to Ride, But She Don't Care
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - And Lo, the Wind Blows
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - A Chump By Any Other Name Is Still a Chump
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Second Time's the Charm
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Ah, Robots in Love
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - And Then There Were Two
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - One of The Days, POW!! Right in the Diodes!
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - If At First You Don't Succeed...
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - And a Robo-Pet Shall Lead
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Robo-Pets Rule
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - To Ask or Not To Ask
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Shagadelic! Or Not
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Beauty and the Geek
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Two Twits Passing in the Night
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Be Human, Viruses Can Cry!
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Macintoshes? We Don't Do No Steenking Macintoshes!
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Feed a Cold, Starve an Ego
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - It's the Gift That Counts
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Men Are From Mars...Wait, Where Are Women From, Again?
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Introductions 5
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Introductions 4
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Introductions 3
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Introductions 2.2
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Introductions 2
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Introductions 1
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed -To Err is Human, To Not Err is Trouble
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - A Legend in Her Own Mind
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - She Who Must Be Obeyed
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Fun is Where You FInd It
- 01-08-2007 - Adult Ed - Conditioned Response