Member Since: 01-23-2006
Comics by cineast67
- 04-25-2010 - What's that smell?
- 05-09-2009 - Love Kats
- 04-14-2009 - I'm back.
- 07-02-2006 - Outside line
- 07-02-2006 - Yawn
- 07-02-2006 - One mans trash..
- 07-02-2006 - Comanche
- 07-02-2006 - High Five
- 07-02-2006 - Let's get in online
- 07-02-2006 - Sexy Voice activated
- 07-02-2006 - The Other other white meat.
- 04-05-2006 - Inevitably forward
- 04-05-2006 - Yucky
- 02-19-2006 - The best way I can describe it, otherwise, get some Lew Hunter or Syd Field books
- 02-18-2006 - Pranks are back
- 02-18-2006 - Gay jokes? I'm not gay.
- 02-18-2006 - This one goes out to jetson
- 02-11-2006 - Why not?
- 02-11-2006 - Wouldn't it be nice
- 02-06-2006 - What do old people taste like?
- 02-06-2006 - It's a hard, wonderful life
- 02-06-2006 - Leaky Faucet 2
- 02-06-2006 - Leaky Faucet
- 02-06-2006 - Duct tape
- 02-06-2006 - Oxycontin is the 2nd most abused drug in America
- 02-06-2006 - Brand new funky president
- 02-06-2006 - The part before "part B"
- 02-06-2006 - Hooked on you
- 02-06-2006 - He-man woman haters
- 02-06-2006 - Shart
- 02-06-2006 - Don't drink and drive
- 02-06-2006 - What the heck am I supposed to do with all of these square pegs?
- 02-06-2006 - Fear of heights? No, I have a fear of falling from heights
- 02-06-2006 - Lost bet
- 02-06-2006 - It's true, I read it somewhere
- 02-02-2006 - The lost weekend is back, but during the week
- 02-02-2006 - This is the end, my only end the friend...
- 02-02-2006 - Cognizance
- 02-02-2006 - Cheeky bastard
- 02-02-2006 - Perspective
- 02-02-2006 - Dedicated to Scott and Chuck
- 02-01-2006 - Sleep loose
- 02-01-2006 - Picking up the peace
- 02-01-2006 - Tisn't the season
- 02-01-2006 - A number of frames editor could be useful
- 02-01-2006 - The third Veda
- 02-01-2006 - Primate love story
- 02-01-2006 - Get down!
- 02-01-2006 - Love costs
- 02-01-2006 - Always come prepared
- 02-01-2006 - Ginger snaps
- 02-01-2006 - Shabaam!
- 02-01-2006 - Free vacation
- 02-01-2006 - Upon a star
- 02-01-2006 - He then relapsed into giggles
- 02-01-2006 - Pro inactive
- 02-01-2006 - Keep the faith
- 02-01-2006 - Denied!
- 02-01-2006 - The circle of life
- 02-01-2006 - Host your next party at Chucky Cheeses!
- 02-01-2006 - Parenthood
- 01-31-2006 - The princess and the warrior
- 01-31-2006 - Chez Ted
- 01-31-2006 - Searching for answers
- 01-31-2006 - Generosity
- 01-31-2006 - Tiberius
- 01-31-2006 - Vicious cycle
- 01-30-2006 - What are we worried about?
- 01-30-2006 - Screw it, I've broken every taboo so far
- 01-30-2006 - And the winner is...
- 01-30-2006 - Caring is like sharing
- 01-30-2006 - Burnt like a witch
- 01-30-2006 - you can lead a horse to water...
- 01-30-2006 - Oh, Snap
- 01-30-2006 - Sad but true 2
- 01-30-2006 - What you can get away with
- 01-30-2006 - Life is valued at 21 grams
- 01-30-2006 - Buzz? What kind of hero is named Buzz?
- 01-30-2006 - Jeff's Revenge!
- 01-30-2006 - Boy who cried wolf
- 01-30-2006 - Hurts so good
- 01-30-2006 - Don't stop the body-rock
- 01-30-2006 - Hard work is for those short on talent
- 01-30-2006 - inside every silver lining is a dark, dark cloud
- 01-30-2006 - If the glove fits
- 01-30-2006 - Desire is irrelevant, I am a machine
- 01-30-2006 - Pick and choose
- 01-30-2006 - Love hurts. But so does hate
- 01-30-2006 - Waking up a sleeping giant
- 01-30-2006 - Three sides to a coin
- 01-30-2006 - If it's not one thing, it's two others
- 01-30-2006 - Just keep the number of monopolies down to five or six
- 01-30-2006 - Legal first trimester intervention
- 01-30-2006 - And the beat goes on
- 01-30-2006 - Once again for the first time
- 01-30-2006 - Covering the bases
- 01-30-2006 - I should be a copywriter for a liquor company
- 01-30-2006 - Book covers are very judgemental
- 01-30-2006 - Come see the violence inherent in the system!
- 01-30-2006 - Check your facts
- 01-30-2006 - Pranksters unite!
- 01-30-2006 - They just keep coming back
- 01-30-2006 - Blatantly stolen
- 01-30-2006 - Take that, hippies!
- 01-30-2006 - I need to stop
- 01-30-2006 - Running of fumes
- 01-30-2006 - Courage is inside of you
- 01-30-2006 - Beggars can't be choosers
- 01-30-2006 - Follow your dreams to the alarm clock
- 01-30-2006 - My nephew is a monkey
- 01-30-2006 - The glass ceiling
- 01-30-2006 - Broken news
- 01-30-2006 - Who'd win in a fight
- 01-30-2006 - A new line of spicier spices
- 01-30-2006 - I'm falling up!
- 01-30-2006 - Special K Hole
- 01-30-2006 - No, I can't hear you
- 01-30-2006 - The more the merrier the marriage
- 01-30-2006 - The envelope just ripped
- 01-30-2006 - Little white lies
- 01-30-2006 - Honor just isn't what it used to be
- 01-30-2006 - Cutting the fat
- 01-30-2006 - Popularity contest loser
- 01-30-2006 - Shooting the Messenger
- 01-29-2006 - loss for words
- 01-29-2006 - Need for Speed
- 01-29-2006 - Six foot tall hole
- 01-29-2006 - Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden
- 01-29-2006 - Piece of carp
- 01-29-2006 - Streets of Gold
- 01-29-2006 - Falling from disgrace
- 01-29-2006 - Fiber
- 01-29-2006 - Game days
- 01-29-2006 - Snake Oil for everybody!
- 01-29-2006 - Living or being Alive
- 01-29-2006 - And have somebody pay you for it
- 01-29-2006 - One leads to two others
- 01-29-2006 - Bigger than yours
- 01-29-2006 - Everyday is a vacation here.
- 01-29-2006 - It's easier to pretend than to be pretensious
- 01-29-2006 - Falling prey to predator jokes.
- 01-28-2006 - Comedy is a priviledge, not a right.
- 01-27-2006 - Democracy is an ideal, not an idea
- 01-27-2006 - William Wallace was a bad-ass
- 01-27-2006 - What the economy is built upon
- 01-27-2006 - Piss on my face and call it sunshine
- 01-27-2006 - Gott ist tot!
- 01-27-2006 - Where are we?
- 01-27-2006 - Falling down is like flying backwards
- 01-27-2006 - A game of definite
- 01-27-2006 - JD, the martial art.
- 01-27-2006 - Jim is my new favorite hero
- 01-27-2006 - Appearances can be confirming
- 01-27-2006 - call me anytime 2
- 01-27-2006 - Call me anytime
- 01-27-2006 - Remakes suck so bad it hurts
- 01-27-2006 - E Cunniligus Unum
- 01-27-2006 - A loss for words
- 01-27-2006 - History just isn't what it used to be
- 01-27-2006 - Love on ice
- 01-27-2006 - Sad but true
- 01-27-2006 - Keeping your ear to the grindstone
- 01-27-2006 - It takes all kinds
- 01-27-2006 - Rapport
- 01-27-2006 - Ah, the glory of malt liquor
- 01-27-2006 - No chinese cuts in the line to Heaven
- 01-27-2006 - Ignorance is Bliss is Love
- 01-27-2006 - Atomic Doggystyle
- 01-27-2006 - Binomial Nomenclature
- 01-27-2006 - Speed Gibson and the Secret Police
- 01-27-2006 - Eat that, Julia Childs!
- 01-26-2006 - No more butt jokes
- 01-26-2006 - Waffle waffle waffle
- 01-26-2006 - Cheaper than a tapestry
- 01-26-2006 - Misogyny inherent in religion
- 01-26-2006 - Onan the Destroyer
- 01-26-2006 - Doghouse of God
- 01-26-2006 - Opiate of the matters
- 01-26-2006 - Tito and Co.
- 01-26-2006 - Last house on the left of the cul de sac
- 01-26-2006 - Mirror Test
- 01-26-2006 - Snide
- 01-26-2006 - Nerves
- 01-25-2006 - My topical humor bit
- 01-25-2006 - Naboo at it's finest
- 01-25-2006 - Defacing the Bible is Libel against God.
- 01-25-2006 - I trust the BBC
- 01-25-2006 - Gary Cooper
- 01-25-2006 - Goosing
- 01-25-2006 - More people are afraid of public speaking than nuclear war
- 01-25-2006 - Pimpin' ain't easy...
- 01-25-2006 - Faith is a good thing
- 01-25-2006 - Take that!
- 01-25-2006 - Ho hum
- 01-25-2006 - Yeah, so what?
- 01-25-2006 - What Men and Women Want
- 01-25-2006 - Take a flying bleep to the Mooooon!
- 01-25-2006 - Fun for the whole family!
- 01-25-2006 - Fifth Estate
- 01-25-2006 - The greatest place on Earth
- 01-25-2006 - The Grace of God
- 01-25-2006 - Friendly Bet.
- 01-25-2006 - I hate radio
- 01-25-2006 - Fire Water
- 01-25-2006 - Click here to win a prize
- 01-25-2006 - 30 Minutes or it's free
- 01-25-2006 - It's reflexive!
- 01-25-2006 - Bad Ideas come in Pairs
- 01-25-2006 - Shoe on the other foot in front of the other
- 01-25-2006 - Time heals all wounds
- 01-25-2006 - Dutch Courage
- 01-25-2006 - Lingua Franca
- 01-25-2006 - Reversal of Poverty
- 01-25-2006 - The news at 5 and 6 and 7...
- 01-25-2006 - The Well has run dry.
- 01-25-2006 - Frog legs
- 01-25-2006 - Against the Grain Silo
- 01-25-2006 - Day late, dollar short
- 01-25-2006 - Zeitgeist
- 01-25-2006 - Or not at all.
- 01-25-2006 - Turtle Soup
- 01-25-2006 - De Profundis
- 01-25-2006 - The act of seeing with one's own eyes
- 01-25-2006 - A Warm Safe Place
- 01-25-2006 - Free Cake!
- 01-25-2006 - Solitude
- 01-25-2006 - Crying doves
- 01-25-2006 - True competition
- 01-25-2006 - Choked up
- 01-25-2006 - Want a line?
- 01-25-2006 - Woman Food
- 01-25-2006 - Ackward