Member Since: 03-03-2008
Comics by robby__rob
- 09-16-2008 - RANDUMB!!!
- 09-13-2008 - Designated Driver
- 09-13-2008 - Sometimes all they need is a smile....
- 09-11-2008 - Cup O' Joe 4
- 09-11-2008 - Cup O' Joe 3
- 09-11-2008 - Cup O' Joe 2
- 09-11-2008 - Cup O' Joe
- 09-11-2008 - Being put in perspective.
- 09-11-2008 - Heaven
- 08-03-2008 - "A Child Called It" If it were a Sunday Comic and not a book.
- 07-13-2008 - A Prostitute Story
- 07-13-2008 - Life Goal
- 06-28-2008 - An inept favor
- 06-28-2008 - You may experience a sudden loss of appetite
- 06-24-2008 - 20 years and 9 months ago today
- 06-24-2008 - The True Power of Clean
- 06-24-2008 - Bumper Stickers 08'
- 06-24-2008 - Teen(s) of America
- 06-24-2008 - Life's BIGGEST 3!!!
- 06-18-2008 - Looking through the Hourglass
- 06-18-2008 - Just any other day
- 06-18-2008 - Just plain cheese?
- 06-18-2008 - Will this be carry out or delivery?
- 06-18-2008 - Farewell in the workplace
- 05-31-2008 - Small Talk in the workplace
- 05-31-2008 - Kung-Fu: The Return of the Prodigal Son
- 05-31-2008 - Sweet Ride
- 05-31-2008 - Life needs an Easy Button
- 05-28-2008 - Redneck Billy
- 05-28-2008 - Written Prescriptions...
- 05-28-2008 - Round em' up cowboy!
- 05-22-2008 - You Can't Tell a Book...
- 05-21-2008 - Cup of Plagiarism
- 05-18-2008 - You meet such interesting people these days.
- 05-18-2008 - The Teacher did it!
- 05-18-2008 - Postfeministic Parent
- 05-18-2008 - Not a racist question
- 05-14-2008 - A'merican President
- 05-12-2008 - Real Ultimate Fighting
- 05-12-2008 - PimpeezĀ© Part of a Nutrional Gangsta Breakfast
- 05-12-2008 - Diss'd: Blind dating!!! (Live from Japan but not when you read it.)
- 05-12-2008 - Diss'd: Bishops. Showing Exclusively in Japan ONLY!!!
- 05-12-2008 - Diss'd: Bishops!!!!
- 05-11-2008 - Finally Robby Rob gives the desperate some personal material they can work with: Exclusively on wittycomics!!!
- 05-11-2008 - Real Life Story
- 05-11-2008 - Wanted: A lil bit of common courtesy
- 05-11-2008 - What an #ssh#le!!!
- 05-11-2008 - An Immature Comic Inspired by DefaultComicGuy
- 05-11-2008 - Is it plagiarism if I copy my own comics?
- 05-11-2008 - A Half-Assed Tribute to Christains
- 05-11-2008 - Poetic Solution
- 05-11-2008 - A Stormer2134 Tale, "The Episodes that you wont see on TV." Episode H-A
- 05-11-2008 - A Stormer2134 Tale, Episode 2: Match Maker
- 05-11-2008 - A Stormer2134 Tale, Episode 1.4: 14 days of noob. Presented to you without any commercial interruptions. The Finale Episode!!!
- 05-11-2008 - A Stormer2134 Tale, Episode 1.3: 14 days of noob. Presented to you without any commercial interruptions.
- 05-11-2008 - A Stormer2134 Tale, Episode 1.2: 14 days of noob. Presented to you without any commercial interruptions.
- 05-11-2008 - A Stormer2134 Tale, Episode 1.1: 14 days of noob. Presented to you without any commercial interruptions.
- 05-11-2008 - A Stormer2134 Tale, Episode 1: 14 days of noob. Presented to you without any commercial interruptions.
- 05-11-2008 - First words?
- 05-10-2008 - A Stormer2134 Tale. The Pilot Episode...
- 05-05-2008 - Rexisfed: 500 odd comics later
- 05-04-2008 - Rexisfed: An MTV Hopeful!
- 05-04-2008 - Smoking isnt bad give it a chance
- 05-04-2008 - Another smoking advertisement
- 05-04-2008 - A Smoker's Announcement
- 05-04-2008 - Smoke 'em if you got 'em
- 05-04-2008 - A Public Announcement about Smoking
- 05-03-2008 - At least he asked nicely
- 05-03-2008 - My last crack at SailorsOfTheNorth
- 05-03-2008 - I'm going to Hell
- 05-03-2008 - Last beer.
- 05-03-2008 - Orgy: the Gathering
- 05-03-2008 - Sorry
- 05-03-2008 - Dear John Letter
- 05-03-2008 - Women are from Mars, Men have a Penis
- 04-30-2008 - Why I Hate Juggalos
- 04-29-2008 - DUDE9700, SailorsOfTheNorth, 426exkid, agent105, jellolady's punchlines in a nutshell...
- 04-28-2008 - Find the one that dont belong
- 04-28-2008 - Fairly simple really
- 04-28-2008 - Dr. Jellolady: Sexual Veternarian
- 04-28-2008 - FPD
- 04-28-2008 - FPD
- 04-28-2008 - The FPD: Making a Difference
- 04-28-2008 - The FPD: Making a Difference
- 04-28-2008 - The FPD: Making a Difference
- 04-23-2008 - Jello and sh#te
- 04-23-2008 - The jello that was heard around the world.
- 04-22-2008 - I have started a Plague Holy F u c k bean!
- 04-21-2008 - The FPD: Making A Difference
- 04-21-2008 - (more) Dr Seuss's "Oh, My achin Balls"
- 04-21-2008 - Lost Dr Seuss books
- 04-21-2008 - My 105th Comic
- 04-21-2008 - An Ode to SailorsOfTheNorth
- 04-21-2008 - Ask the QoQ Puppy...
- 04-20-2008 - Rub a Dub Dub
- 04-20-2008 - How Many Licks Does It Take?
- 04-20-2008 - Those are Some Cross Words
- 04-20-2008 - Every RPG Ever Made.
- 04-19-2008 - What a Pain
- 04-19-2008 - With a name like meatwad0
- 04-19-2008 - I'm Back
- 04-19-2008 - Rags to Rags
- 04-19-2008 - A SailorsOfTheNorth Day
- 04-17-2008 - If wittycomic was a building; it would be the one I would crash two planes into...
- 04-17-2008 - My f.ucking Neighbors
- 04-17-2008 - To Show How Much I Care
- 04-17-2008 - Religious Comics
- 04-17-2008 - Service with a sneer
- 04-17-2008 - Religious Comics
- 04-17-2008 - Religious Comics
- 04-16-2008 - Dear Robby...
- 04-16-2008 - Dear Robby...
- 04-14-2008 - Dear Robby...
- 04-14-2008 - Dear Robby...
- 04-14-2008 - Dear Robby...
- 04-14-2008 - Dear Robby...
- 04-14-2008 - Dear Robby...
- 04-13-2008 - A Tony Danziq Comic
- 04-13-2008 - Tony Danziq where the hell did he come from?
- 04-12-2008 - A Public Announcement
- 04-12-2008 - Cops 'The Hidden Episodes."
- 04-12-2008 - Cops 'The Hidden Episodes."
- 04-12-2008 - Cops 'The Hidden Episodes."
- 04-12-2008 - Cops 'The Hidden Episodes."
- 04-12-2008 - Steve's new hobby (Robby__Rob 's quest to get banned attempt: 2)
- 04-12-2008 - Steve meets the quota. (Robby__Rob's quest to get banned Attempt 1)
- 04-12-2008 - Mutantablecloth's first impression
- 04-12-2008 - A quick favor
- 04-12-2008 - Mutantablecloth the Neverending Bitching Cycle
- 04-12-2008 - Secrets Revealed
- 04-09-2008 - Random Whoreness
- 04-09-2008 - F.UCK YOU 0987654321 pt. 2
- 04-09-2008 - F.UCK YOU 0987654321 pt. 1
- 04-08-2008 - Life is like what?
- 04-08-2008 - 0987654321/JelloLady's comics in a nutshell
- 04-08-2008 - Q & A session with 0987654321/JelloLady and Robby__ Rob
- 04-08-2008 - When oppurtunity knocks why the hell not?!
- 04-08-2008 - What would 0987654321 do?
- 04-08-2008 - Desperate anyone?
- 04-08-2008 - We interrupt the series to bring you a few messages from our sponsor 0987654321
- 04-08-2008 - The Adventures of 0987654321 pt. 5
- 04-08-2008 - The Adventures of 0987654321 pt. 4
- 04-08-2008 - The Adventures of 0987654321 pt. 3
- 04-08-2008 - The Adventures of 0987654321 pt. 2
- 04-08-2008 - The Adventures of 0987654321 pt. 1
- 04-08-2008 - 0987654321: Before he made sh#tty comics pt. 1
- 04-08-2008 - This comic is inspired by 0987654321's comment to my comic http://www.wittycomics.com/comic/38379
- 04-07-2008 - 0987654321 comix (A Great Learning Experience)
- 04-07-2008 - Lame Joke Inspired by 0987654321
- 04-06-2008 - The Last Two f#*kers
- 04-06-2008 - Holy Charities
- 04-06-2008 - Wittycomics New Rap Video
- 04-06-2008 - Last Rob Comic Brought to you by: Dodge
- 04-06-2008 - Wittycomics.com Brought to you by Toyota
- 04-06-2008 - Just not the same anymore
- 04-06-2008 - Just Bored
- 04-06-2008 - If the war were only this easy....
- 04-06-2008 - The Family Tradition
- 04-06-2008 - Old Riddle, New Twist
- 04-06-2008 - Wittycomic Users (JelloLady pt. 2 how JelloLady became to be...)
- 04-06-2008 - North vs. South if it were to happen again
- 04-05-2008 - How PilotsOfTheWest and JelloLady met (The True Story) Made POTW translation readable by Robby__Rob...
- 04-05-2008 - Happy Woman Appreciation Day
- 04-05-2008 - Around the Back
- 04-05-2008 - Wittycomic Users (JelloLady pt.1)
- 04-05-2008 - Politics
- 03-22-2008 - POTW vs. 123robot (Whose Comics Suck More) Round 1
- 03-22-2008 - 123robot vs. POTW (Who sucks more Round 1)
- 03-20-2008 - F.uck you Steve! I'm NOT going anywhere
- 03-20-2008 - White Trash
- 03-20-2008 - Subconscious Comics
- 03-18-2008 - Vegans piss me off too...
- 03-18-2008 - Environmentalists
- 03-12-2008 - PilotsOfTheWest should have been the one shot down!!!
- 03-11-2008 - Well God Damned....
- 03-08-2008 - PilotsOfTheWest just eat your Alphabet Soup and Shut the f#*k up!!!
- 03-08-2008 - PilotsoftheWest is the poster child for 'No Child Left Behind.'
- 03-08-2008 - PilotsoftheWest is the new speaker for wittycomics.com
- 03-06-2008 - Steve pass the ban hammer to someone who knows how to use it!
- 03-05-2008 - Gangsta's Paradise?
- 03-05-2008 - Powerball Tickets?!?! Would you like fries with that?
- 03-05-2008 - Give Paralysis A Chance!
- 03-05-2008 - Service is faster than white on rice but what about Quality?!?!
- 03-05-2008 - A shout out to the singles and singles of wittycomics fans
- 03-05-2008 - This site and its users are about as entertaining as __________!!!!
- 03-04-2008 - Comicwiz23's comics are um.....
- 03-04-2008 - To Each Their Own
- 03-04-2008 - Occupational Hazards
- 03-04-2008 - Familly should come after rooftop shootings and before winning the lottery.
- 03-04-2008 - You lose either way
- 03-04-2008 - Please Hold...
- 03-04-2008 - Wittycomics.com: The other Alternative for medicine.
- 03-04-2008 - Who says kids cant be heroes?!
- 03-04-2008 - Inner-racial interactions
- 03-04-2008 - Family: One's most Treasured Moments
- 03-04-2008 - Literally Literature
- 03-03-2008 - PBS is endorsed by viewers like us???